GROUP SETTINGS MAY ONLY SOMETIMES address each child’s individualized needs, as therapy sessions are often tailored to the group as a whole rather than focusing on specific communication deficits unique ...
BY CHOOSING RELIABLE SOURCES, you can ensure that the information you receive is accurate, up-to-date, and evidence-based.
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IF WE CHANGE THEIR EXPERIENCES from frustration to success, their attitude and behavior could transform, leading to a more positive and fulfilling life.
A GROWING NUMBER OF PROFESSIONALS are turning to nonverbal reasoning tests to assess the cognitive abilities of autistic children, providing a more comprehensive understanding of their intellectual strengths and weaknesses.
THE MISPLACEMENT OF CHILDREN WITH BEHAVIORAL ISSUES in autism classes can have detrimental effects on both the individual students and those with autism.
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LABELING A CHILD AGGRESSIVE without considering the underlying reasons for their behavior can have detrimental effects on the child’s self-esteem and relationships.
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I REALIZED THAT AUTISM was never the problem. It is the normative way we conceive of the world: the hegemony of “normal” and its implications in the fabric of our ...
ALL STUDENTS ARE OUR STUDENTS. They all need to be acknowledged and supported equally.
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MOST PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH ASD are just as proud of their child’s accomplishments as any other parent. They understand the challenges and struggles of raising a child and will ...
WE SHOULD RECOGNIZE that their worthiness and value are not defined by their ability to overcome their disabilities.
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