We want to hear from you

JaggedLines invites you to share your autism personal stories to start deep and provocative conversations about autism. Sharing your story maybe the most difficult thing you’ll ever do, but it is very likely to change people’s perspective on autism and provide a better understanding of autism beyond biomedical labels.

Tell me about the service you provide and the difference it makes for autistics. Help us understand why this service is so important. Please become familiar with JaggedLines magazine before submitting. Check our Articles section to see if what you have in mind is suitable for this publication.

Submission Guidelines

You don’t have to be a professional writer. If your story or visuals are captivating, you will be contacted for an interview and you, and your work (if any), will be featured in the magazine. Please follow the specific instructions in the submission form and

  •  submit your writing as a Word file or pdf
  • gather all your images and submit them without watermark, high-resolution (300 dpi), and separately

Submission Form – Service Provider

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
For contact purposes, to learn more about your story. This will not be made public.
Please spell it out.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload your story as Word file or pdf.


Please prepare 4 images of your passion, or work, or interests, and one photo of yourself. Images should be high resolution, at least 6 inches wide at 300dpi. Label the images as follow: lastname-01.jpg, lastname-02.jpg, etc.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

By clicking the submit button, you confirm that you own your Content. Your Content is not false, defamatory, misleading, or hateful or infringe any copyright or any other third-party rights or otherwise be unlawful. By submitting your Content, you grant JaggedLines license to use it (in part or whole) wherever we see fit — print, digital, website, or promotions. You will not be paid for your submissions unless your article or artwork is commissioned.

We will use the contact details that you provide to verify your identity and gather further information on this story. If we publish your Content, we may include your name and location.