THE MISPLACEMENT OF CHILDREN WITH BEHAVIORAL ISSUES in autism classes can have detrimental effects on both the individual students and those with autism.
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A RESOURCE THAT NEVER FAILS, quivers, or disappoints is Mom. Mom is the brain and the heart of all things autism.
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MOST PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH ASD are just as proud of their child’s accomplishments as any other parent. They understand the challenges and struggles of raising a child and will ...
ULTIMATELY, THE CRITICAL DIFFERENCE between lowering and changing expectations lies in the mindset and approach taken when setting goals for an autistic child.
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WHILE THE BENEFITS OF socialization and inclusion in general education classes are undeniable, providing individualized support to address academic gaps and promote success is equally important.
THERE MAYBE PERIODS WHERE NO PROGRESS IS BEING MADE, followed by sudden leaps of growth and development. Regarding progress, we must remember that “there will be years where nothing happens ...
TRADITIONAL DEVELOPMENT MARKERS, such as speech, social interactions, and academic achievements, may not always reflect the true essence of progress for children with autism.
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COMMUNICATION IS NOT ONLY ABOUT WORDS, a child can also be “verbal” and communicate by using gestures such as pointing and body language such as frowning, sign language, an iPad ...
CHILDREN WITH ASD OFTEN STRUGGLE WITH language skills, which heavily impacts their performance in intelligence tests. These tests rely on verbal communication and comprehension, which may be challenging for individuals ...
ASSESSMENTS’ RESULTS ARE NOT SET IN STONE. Even IQ, especially in young children. In fact, assessments are just a snapshot of a child’s growth in all developmental areas at a ...